
Top 10 of 2013

Oh herro, 2014. Where on earth did you come from? I didn't even get a chance to watch all my 2013 flicks yet. RUDE!

Yes, folks, it's time for Joe Moore's Top 10 picks of 2013 flicks. Please keep in mind that there are several movies I was not able to check out but desperately wanted to (such as The Spectacular Now, In a World, Her, Inside Llewyn Davis, and Nebraska). So this list isn't perfect, but it's what I got.

10. Mud, The Kings of Summer, and The Way, Way Back

I'm cheating a little bit here, but there were four teenage coming-of-age flicks released in 2013 (The Spectacular Now being #4), and each of them were fantastic in their own way. It's a coming-of-age trifecta! 

Mud had a Southern tall-tale/fable feel while still staying grounded in reality. I also dug the love lesson the lead kid learns by the end. 

The Kings of Summer was definitely the most bizarre out of the three, but it also had enough humor and heart to resonate with me.

The Way, Way Back was utterly predictable, but it went through the motions amiably enough. It also has a standout performance from Sam Rockwell, a career best if you ask me!

9. You're Next

I really hate Lionsgate for dropping the ball with this awesome home invasion flick. Let's keep it on the shelf for two years then release it in... August. Great idea, ya mooks. So this great flick bombed. If you're horror-inclined at all, seek it out. Such a fun ride! 

8. Saving Mr. Banks

Such a jolly delight! The flashback scenes are a bit much, but the performances from Tom Hanks and especially Emma Thompson save this story from becoming too sugary. I'm also a sucker for Mary Poppins so the "making of" was fun to watch.

7. Pacific Rim

After so many disappointing summer tentpole films, it was nice for one to actually exceed my expectations. Guillermo del Toro created an action-packed, visually striking extravaganza. The fight scenes between the Jaegers (robots) and Kaiju (monsters) are hands down the best visual effects of the year (excluding Smaug from Smaug). Sure, the character development wasn't quite up to par, but at least they tried, giving me three leads I cared about. Idris Elba really knocked it out of the park as the stern but loving captain. Great show, my man!

6. The Conjuring

Hands down, the best horror movie of the year. What a fantastic spookfest this was! James Wan really nailed it on the head with this one. It also featured two terrific leading lady performances from Vera Farmiga and Lily Taylor.

5. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I gotta say, I did not expect this to be very good at al. The first Hunger Games flick was alright, but there was no heart in it at all. Never fear, Catching Fire made up for that! Easily one of the best book-to-film adaptations I have ever seen. Yes, the first half and its social commentary is far more interesting than once the Games finally begin, but the film never loses sight of the real enemy. Ugggh, sooo good!

4. American Hustle

I'm not even sure what to say about this gem that hasn't already been said. Everything about it is spectacular. The direction, writing, cinematography, style, the rockin' soundtrack, and THAT CAST!! This nifty heist flick features an ensemble cast for the ages. It's clear everyone is having an absolute blast. Go see it. Like yesterday.

3. Frances Ha

Maybe I'm a little biased with this one, but this tale of a late-20s girl (yes, I know I'm a dude) who just wants to live her dream really struck a chord within me. Director/writer Noah Baumbach and co-writer/star Greta Gerwig have made a coming-of-age flicks for the... well for the ages. It's also very classic Woody Allen meets French avant-garde. Love it!

2. The World's End

Duh! My most-viewed in 2013 had to be somewhere on this list. While Shaun of the Dead will always hold a special place in my heart, this third collaboration between Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost is easily their best film to date. It's hilarious, action-packed, and heartfelt. I teared up a couple of times. Cheers, fellas. Now let's boo boo to #1!

1. Gravity

I've always been a fan of director Alfonso Cuaron's work. His Azkaban is my favorite in the Harry Potter series, and Children of Men is his most dazzling film in scope and story...  or so I thought. Gravity is nothing short of a cinematic masterpiece. I was on edge the entire time. I could not breathe. Every time Sandra Bullock's timer went off, I was terrified to see what obstacles she'd have to fight off next. Speaking of Bullock, THIS is her best performance to date. Forget that stupid football flick. This movie would be nothing if I didn't care for rookie astronaut Ryan Stone, and let me tell ya, Bullock delivers and then some. Kudos to everyone involved in this white-knuckle chiller. I can't breathe just thinking about it. Time for a Pepcid!

So there you have it. My favorite flicks of 2013. And hey, what countdown would be complete without some cinematic crap!

Biggest disappoitment: Oz: The Great and Powerful

It pains me to say this is one of my least favorite movies of the year. Maybe I shouldn't have had such high expectations. I love Sam Raimi's work, but this had studio written all over it. Where was Raimi's style? Certainly not here. I'll give the flick this. It was visually striking. I dug the China Doll, the flying monkey, and Michelle Willaims as Glinda. Oh, and to quote Peter Griffin, "Shut up, Meg."

Most powerful turd: Mama

This del Toro-produced disaster is just as bad as Don't Be Afraid of the Dark was a few years ago. It had style, and Jessica Chastian and the kids were good, but I never warmed up to the characters. Then in the end I was supposed to care whether they lived or died? Nope. Not at all. Bye, Mama. At least you gave me a few giggles. *whispers* mama...