
Welcome to My Blog

Well, hello! I have no idea why I started this blog. Oh, wait, yes I do. On a recent trip back home, I discovered my sister had started a new blog, and it's hilarious. So I figured why not start one myself? I love to write, and I haven't really written a lot lately. Maybe this will help me get back into that! The problem is now that I have this thing, I'm not really sure what to say. I'm not a terribly exciting person. So if you've come here to peruse about how a dashing hero (myself) narrowly rescues a beautiful damsel in distress (Kirsten Dunst) from the clutches of a grisly fate, you've come to the wrong place. All I can offer is at least ONE interesting story per week, all about the life of me, Joseph Robert Moore: Complacent Extraordinaire. So fasten those seatbelts. It's time to nut up or shut up.