
No "Glee" for Me?

So I have this EPIC post in progress, and I've been stalling on an update because I'm currently suffering from writer's block. It's awful, and I haven't worked on it in five days. I'll get working on it again soon though! In the meantime, I watched a show last night that SUCKED, and it's time for me to voice my opinion. It pains me to say this, but Glee, you've disappointed me.

*Spoilers Ahead*

Glee was awesome when it first started last year. Every week I would sit down to watch it. If I was able to watch it the evening it aired, I was usually with a group of friends. If not, I caught it later on the DVR. I was hooked. This is saying a lot because I really don't watch TV shows, at least while they're on the air. The first thirteen episodes were fantastic, and I think this has to do with the fact that they were all written and filmed at the same time. The second half of the first season was also decent, but I began to get the feeling that some of the episodes were disjointed. They'd deal with issues in one episode, and the next episode it didn't even matter. Now, that's fine. Every show does that. Whatever. It happens. Then the second season started...

Now don't get me wrong. I do still love the show. It's just spectacular. But there's only been five episodes so far this season, and if someone doesn't work out these issues, the show may lose fans. Just sayin'.

For one thing, is it just me, or has Rachel become a caricature of herself? It's one thing to be overzealous, but it's another thing entirely to be some self-serving snot-faced snothead. Thankfully, in these past two episodes, this has been tuned down a little bit. Remember, though, in that first episode when she sent that new girl to a crack house just because she felt threatened of losing her star status? Not cool.

Also, what on earth is going on with Will Schuester? I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but Schue has turned into a selfish jerk. It's one thing to have a crush on someone you can't have, but twice now he has acted completely out of line in terrible attempts to impress Emma Pillsbury, the school counselor. The first time, in the "Britney" episode, was okay up until he decided to join the kids onstage. The second time, though, he straight up forced the Glee kids to perform Rocky Horror solely to impress Emma. That's something his ex-wife would've done. I'm sorry, but if Will doesn't learn his lesson, I hope Emma stays with John Stamos. The two of them are so happy together, and her condition is actually improving. I'm all for the writers making Rachel and Will more human, but if they continue this selfish behavior, the show's two main characters will be impossible to root for, and that's just... rude.

I've also noticed how uneven the show has become. It started the second half of last season, but it's gotten worse. This isn't a major complaint, but it needs to be said. I love the event episodes, and I gotta give the writers props for at least trying to continue the storyline, but it just seems to me that one week will be terrific with great lines and great character development. Then the event episodes are there solely to entertain, dropping everything that happened the previous week. I may be exaggerating a little bit, but I'm on a rant so forgive me.

Anyway I'm going to continue watching the show. Hopefully these issues will improve since this season is still fairly new. If not, I gotta say it's not going to keep my interest. There are lots of other shows that I could be watching. I choose to watch Glee because I relate to all the issues the writers continue to bring up. Anyway, that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Bottom line is, shape up, Glee! I know you can!



Lawd. What happened to weekly updates? I don't know. Maybe my three jobs got in the way... Nah, I'm just lazy. So here's my new post! Yay!!!

Since it is the month of October, I thought I would focus this post on the most wonderful time of the year. Ah, Christmas, you say? Alas, you would be incorrect. Halloween is the correct answer. Though I suppose if you work at Disney (like I do), all the fall and winter holidays start to run together. For instance, I have begun rehearsals for Celebrate the Season, the Castle Show at Magic Kingdom during the Christmas season. It's a lot of fun, so you guys should come check it out! I'm getting off track. What was I talking about? Ah, yes, Halloween!

The main reason I love the month of October is it gives me an excuse to watch every single horror movie ever made. A lot of people I know ABHOR horror movies, and I understand that... I guess. To each his own. However, I absolutely ADORE horror movies. I don't really know why. Maybe I love the adrenaline rush. Maybe I love being scared. Maybe I'm just some psycho freak. Whatever the reason, I have loved watching horror movies ever since I saw The Others back in 2001 with my sister Emily. Aw, man, that was good times... but that's another story entirely.

Now, I said I love to watch every horror movie ever made. That is, of course, an exaggeration. Actually, so far this year my horror movie watching is lacking. Thus far I have only watched Pirahna (the original), The Fog, The Others, and Suspiria. All are fantastic examples of their respective subgenres, i.e. campy fun, ghost stories, etc, but I really need to get serious. I only have a couple of weeks left! Where has the time gone? What's that, you ask? What else do I still need to watch? Here's a list:
1) the Evil Dead trilogy
2) the Poltergeist trilogy (or just the 1st one; the other two suck)
3) the Scream trilogy
4) Halloween
5) Friday the 13th
6) Nightmare on Elm Street
7) The Nightmare Before Christmas
8) The Rocky Horror Picture Show
9) Night of the Creeps
10) Shaun of the Dead
There are others too, of course, but those were the ones that popped into my head. Sooo yeah, I gotta work on that.

Another reason I love Halloween is the chance to get all dressed up. Now, I don't go crazy or anything, but for the past few years, I've had some fun! Here are some pics:

'07 - Ron Stoppable (and Rufus) from "Kim Possible"

'08 - Duckie and Andie from Pretty in Pink

'09 - David Blaine (from the Youtube vids) and his Cheez-Its

You're thinking it, and it's true. I am that awesome. This year I'm thinking 80s nerd rocker, like Devo or something. Like I said... AWESOME! Also, like the horror movie watching, I really need to get on this. Parties are coming up just next week, and I don't have any costume pieces! Oh, nooo! (That previous statement was said like Bruce from "Family Guy." Just FYI.)

So yeah I think that will suffice for now. I apologize for the lack of time travel in this post. Maybe next week! Oooh, and I'll make sure to keep you guys updated on which horror movies I watch, because I know most of my readers are sooo interested in the movies I watch :) Until next time!