
do you remember?

Okay, so it's not quite the 21st of September (hence the title; i'm so clever), but it is the best month of the year! Why is that, you ask? Well, September 2nd just happens to be my birthday. Of course, if you are reading this blog, chances are you already know me and already knew that little tidbit of information. If not, now you know, and we can move on with our lives.

While I've never made too big a deal of my birthday, it's still made for pretty awesome times throughout
the years. I was blessed with parents who were creative enough to plan some unique parties back in the day. You see, I was obsessed with letters as a child. My 3rd birthday was all about letters. There were 27 balloons, each with a letter of the alphabet (and one the spelled "and" naturally). My cake had the alphabet on it. I was an ecstatic 3-year old. Well, as ecstatic as Joseph Moore can get. Also, my 5th birthday was a "Wheel of Fortune" themed party (starting to see a pattern here?). Yep, my childhood was awesome.

The awesomeness doesn't stop there
though, as the past four years I have been fortunate enough to celebrate my special day at Walt Disney World, whether it be while at work or afterward in the Orlando area.

I've already shared some festivities with a few friends this year. Good times were shared at Chili's as we all nom-ed on its pseudo-Mexican greatness. Some of my very best friends were unable to attend so who knows? Perhaps the celebration has just begun! Not to imitate my sister, who enjoys celebrating for the entire month of July, but I'd hate to exclude people whom I LOOOVE from my birthday festivities! That would be cruel..
. Okay, so it is an excuse for more party time. You would do it too!

In other news, I plan to attend my third stilt workshop this year in about a week or so. I put off going to workshops for so long because I was afraid of being 2 feet higher off the ground than I already am, but I put my fears aside and actually enjoyed myself. So I'm looking forward to the next workshop!

Also, thanks to a fun night of kareoke, "Poison Arrow" by ABC is one of the songs I currently listen to on repeat. I've heard it before, but thanks to my good friend Nick, I will never get its terribly cheesy chorus out of my head, and I LOOOVE it! (And that's not sarcasm!)

As for movies, I checked out a couple of horror movies lately. First, I saw the Fright Night remake, which is fun, silly, and stupid, exactly what a remake of a kitschy 80s horror movie should be. Also, do me a favor and DO NOT see Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. It officially has the honor of holding my personal "Worst Movie of the Year" award. Stupid, not scary (except for that one scene seen it the previews), and full of stupid characters making stupid moves... basically, just awful.

Anyway, I gotta go to work. I'll try to update more frequently. Until then, shoot that poison arrow! I'm out.