
Miracles, miracles. Wow!

It's Easter Sunday!! For the past 8+ years, I've been working all day, whether it was at Kroger, Disney, or Universal. This year I've been fortunate enough to have most Sundays off so guess what? Your lives are about to be enriched with my lastest post! Yay!!

There was a time long, looong ago when Easter was like a mini-Christmas for the Moore clan. Early that morning, we Moore siblings would wake up to see what the Easter Bunny had brought us. It was usually LOTS of candy with at least one gift for each kid. That Easter Bunny knew what was up.

After a nutritious part of a complete breakfast (i.e. candy, duh) it was time to get all gussied up for pictures and church. Below are some gems, as in some are precious and some are just ridiculous. OR maybe all are a healthy combination of both. Anyway, enjoy!

see? precious!

I'm... hesitant... to hold my sister's hand. Hashtag: chicken pox

looking oh so dapper! sistah likes puffy-shoulder dresses. or mom did.

ohh yeah. this one is a gem.

why do I look like I'm about to collect someone's taxes?

oh yeah. Brady Bunch style.

After church, we would head to the grandparents' house for the most important part of Easter Sunday: the easter egg hunt! More candy! Yeah! Oh, and maybe Easter dinner. Food is kind of important I guess.

Sure, that doesn't sound like a lot, but it was the Moore/Caldwell Easter tradition at least through my adolescence. It's also a lot more than I do nowadays. I think the last time I actually celebrated Easter was in 2010. We all got together at the Williamsburg house and watched a movie somewhat relevant of the holiday: Godspell! There's talk of watching that today. I am off all day so who knows.

Before I go, a couple of side notes. It's 4/20, everybody. At least watch the Towelie episode of "South Park", and please party responsibly. Also this past Friday was Good Friday! Yeah, I know. Thank you, Rebecca Black. Ooh! Speaking of Rebecca Black, everybody reading should watch this awesome video. 

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