
Hide Behind the Chainsaws!

First things first.


I dunno if you could tell from my past couple of posts, but Halloween is my favorite time of year. Hands down. It's wayyy better than Christmas. I mean, sure you can get candy and watch Christmas-themed horror movies then too (hello Black Christmas and Gremlins!), but Halloween is where it's at yo! And yes I just said "yo". I'm constantly living in the past.

Here are some things I've learned this Halloween season:

1) Don't put off checking on your car.

Seriously. There was one Tuesday I was going to go get my oil changed and tires rotated, but I decided to be lazy at home instead. Bad idea. What followed is a week and a half of broken timing belts, cooling exchanges, spark plug housing problems, battered coils/cylinders, random tax liens from 2007, and remembering what it was like to be a CP i.e. life without a car. *SPOILER ALERT* It's not pleasant. 

So stay on top of your car care, people. You need it running when there is a serial killer after you. 

2) Don't dismiss movies so quickly.

I've never been a big fan of Hocus Pocus. It's all just too silly, and I prefer my Halloween movies to have more bite. However, over the past couple of years, I've come to find myself liking it. The trio of witches are wonderfully hammy. Bette Midler hasn't had a decent role since Winifred, and Sarah Jessica Parker has never appealed to me except here. She's beautiful, silly, and kinda sexy. Also there's a lot of adult humor that of course flew over my head as a kid. Kinda surprising for a Disney film. However I still question how on earth these witches would suddenly know how to work modern technology AND know modern music. And that line about the driver's license is just awful. 

I watched it at the Enzian this year with a packed house. People were sitting in the bushes watching this beloved film from their childhood, and I'm sure they're showing it to their kids. I guess what I'm trying to say is... good for you, Hocus Pocus. You go, Hocus Pocus.

3) Decide what you're dressing up as before Halloween week.

I'm sure I didn't actually learn this lesson. Next year my costume choice will be just as late. Also this year I was kinda limited with car repairs/lack of sufficient funds. I will say that despite the stress, my costume will be fairly awesome. Definitely not as awesome as last year, but if you have an affinity for late 80s/early 90s TV shows, you'll get a kick out of it.

Oh! I know you guys are oh so curious so I'll let you know that The Abominable Dr. Phibes, starring Vincent Price, is one odd ditty of a film. It was made in the early 70s, when horror movies didn't have much of a plot but a string a bizarre scenes that border on the macabre. Think an ahead of its time Final Destination and that's basically Dr. Phibes for you. So if that meets your fancy, check it out!

Alright everybody enjoy your Halloween! Dress up all slutty, nom on all that sweet sugary goodness, and get crunk off your favorite pumpkin beer/ciders. But keep your wits about you, just in case...