
Top 10 of 2014

It's already New Year's Eve? Where has this year gone?!

Irregardless! Here is Joe Moore's Top 10 movies from 2014. There are films I didn't have time to see (The Babadook, Into the Woods, John Wick) that unfortunately will not be on this list. Nor will there be many "Oscar bait" movies since I am but a wee peasant, and most award-caliber films don't get a wide release until the new year. There will also not be any Marvel flicks on this list, though a couple were definitely runners-up. So, ya know, here goes nothing!

10) Snowpiercer

I'm really glad this post-apocalyptic flick is accessible on Netflix because it's one of the best sci-fi movies to come out in recent years. Chris Evans is excellent going against type, but Tilda Swinton steals the show as always. Check it out!

9) The Fault in Our Stars

Yeah that's right. I loved the book, and this is a great adaptation. YA queen Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort share an amazing chemistry. If this flick doesn't leave you in tears, you have no soul.

8) Edge of Tomorrow

What is essentially Groundhog Day with aliens is one of the most fun sci-fi/action romps to come along in quite some time. Cruise plays up his image hilariously until his character eventually becomes the action hero, and Blunt astounds as the tough-as-nails war heroine. 

7) The Skeleton Twins

This is my favorite of many wonderful independent flicks released this year. Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig continue their great chemistry from their SNL days. Also I may be biased because of my love for 80s movies, but their lip synch to Starship is one of the best scenes of the year.

6) Interstellar

This is the 2001 of our generation. Even though I guessed a couple of the twists early on that didn't impact the overall experience. Nolan has crafted a wonderful film that I will treasure forever. The father-daughter relationship is the heart of the story, and what a heart it is.

5) The Grand Budapest Hotel

I'm convinced that Wes Anderson can do no wrong. Well except for Darjeeling, but we'll forget that happened. This is probably his most accessible movie to date, but that doesn't make it any less whimsical. The entire cast is great, but Ralph Fiennes is an absolute delight as the wonderfully eccentric M. Gustave.

4) Gone Girl

I've been Fincher-ized again! He and author Gillian Flynn have done the impossible and created a nearly perfect film companion piece to her thrilling novel. Affleck is great as Nick Dunne, but this is Rosamund Pike's show all the way. What an astounding performance!!

3) Guardians of the Galaxy

I knew this flick was gonna be great just from the soundtrack, but I don't think anyone expected the fantastic soap opera we got. I'd even go as far to say that this is our generation's Star Wars. That's how awesome it is. What a fun ride!

2) The Lego Movie

Everything really is awesome! This is my favorite family flick of the year. It abounds in imagination, humor, and toward the end, a whole lotta heart. I'm pretty convinced Phil Lord and Christopher Miller can do no wrong. They're 4 for 4 in my book. Bring on the sequel!

1) Birdman

What can I say about Birdman that hasn't already been said? It's a highly entertaining film that everyone should see. The ensemble cast is terrific. Everyone gets at least one scene to shine. This is Keaton's film though. It's so great to see him back on top. Oh and how about that cinematography? Somebody stop me before I talk about this masterpiece for hours. See it now.

Now for the turds. They're mostly flicks the studios dumped early in the year. I hated I, Frankenstein, Pompeii, and That Awkward Moment. Then Escape From Tomorrow disappointed. I realize it was made on a minuscule budget AND extremely privately. However it was just weird for the sake of being weird. I wanted more.

There you have it. Again I can't believe 2014 is already over. 2015 is gearing up to be an even better year. I'll see you at the movies!