
House Hunters Orlando

For the past couple of months, the Sexy Ketchup Factory has been looking to change locations. That's right folks. Andie and I are moving out of our apartment of the past two years. (If you have to ask what a "Sexy Ketchup Factory" is, go watch Bob's Burgers on Netflix. I simply don't have time to explain the awesomeness of that show.) We were both kinda bummed because this has been a great apartment in a great location. We just couldn't afford to renew our lease in April. Wah wah. So a'house hunting we went!
There were the usual inconveniences of course. Houses were already taken, and the owner/agent had forgotten to take down the listing. Some places never responded to our inquiries. Others we found turned out to be a scam. We found one house online that was in a great location with a dream price. We drove by and called the realtor who apologized and informed us that the property was for sale and it was for A LOT of money. Good thing we checked before continuing with that place!

Once March came around, most of what we were finding was a lot of 2/1's. Andie and I agreed that as long as the house was in a good neighborhood and the one bathroom was big enough, that wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Last Friday (which is basically my Monday at work) I was browsing through housing options online when I found a 2/2 smack dab in the middle of our price range. It was only 10 minutes from where we live now, and it was right behind an absolutely delicious market we've visited. I texted Andie about it right away.

She got to see it first. She fell in love with it. The next day I had time to run by. Of course I loved it too. It was a little smaller than our apartment now, but there would be more storage space than we've had in a while. It would also need a little love, but that's something both Andie and I are good at so we decided to move forward...

...only to find the deposit was steep. Like wayyy more than we ever intended to spend. Cue exponential amounts of stress on both our parts. We agreed we didn't want to go back to square one, and after figuring out our finances for the next month, we decided to carry on.


We met with the landlord on Tuesday with our applications. He was a cool guy, but it was clear he wanted the deposit money ASAP. He was nice enough to let us distribute the amount for the next couple of weeks so that lifted a burden off our chests for half a second. Then he informed us that he would be showing the house the next day, and if these people had the deposit money in full that he would be giving the place to them. We smiled and agreed that was more than fair though I know on the inside both of us were screaming.

Now was time to scramble for more money. I was almost ready to sell myself on the streets. I live downtown. It would totally work. Or maybe my parents could help? Neither of us had any idea what to do. We did not want to let this place slip through our fingers. Before we let ourselves get too carried away worrying about where to pull out some nonexistent money, the landlord was already calling us. He had already run our applications, and our credit scores were good. He said we really seemed like good, honest kids and that we could just consider the house ours.


Yup. That was definitely a "Joey" whoa right there. Andie was screaming. I was in shock. I think I still am today. I mean both our budgets for this month are super tight. I know I can't spend any extra money at all. But ya know what, that house is ours! We won't be homeless or living in a van down by the river! This news definitely calls for a celebration, and I know exactly how to do that: drinking water and playing 80s/90s trivia. Good times ahead, y'all. Good times.