
Cease and Desist All Complacency

Whoa. It's my first post of 2011! I was just sitting here thinking... around this time, four years ago, I started my life at Disney. Where am I today? Still in the exact same place doing pretty much the exact same thing. Kinda sad. Don't get me wrong. I still looove the job, I looove the people, and sometimes the guests aren't too bad either. I just never would've thought when I started my College Program four years ago that I would still be here to this very day. Makes ya think... what if I'd done things differently? I try not to dwell on it. I agree with most of my life decisions thus far. But, ya know, what if? What if I hadn't come down here on my program at all? Would I have finished school? One of the reasons I moved down here was because I realized school just wasn't for me at the time. Nah, I would've at least worked my program here. I simply cannot imagine what 2007 would've been like without Disney in my life. 2008 is where it all changes.

You see, after my program ended that January, I went back home because I was gonna go back and finish school. What did I accomplish that spring? My most successful endeavor was a lil bit of choreography I put together for The Studio, my former ballet studio. If that makes it sound like it was MY ballet studio, well, that's because IT WAS! Mwah ha ha! Naw, but I did choreograph a piece, and it was selected to be performed at the Southeastern Regional Ballet Association (SERBA) that year. Good times! Other than that, I spent spring of 2008 either sitting around watching movies or vacationing with the family. After 2 or 3 Disney vacations, I decided yet again to ditch school and move back down to Orlando. I did in June of 2008, and I've been living down here ever since.

Here's another "what if." What if I hadn't moved back down here? The plan was to continue my studies at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). I had already toured the area (LOOOVE Savannah), booked a room, and was trying to figure out how on earth to pay for the next 3-4 years of my life when I came to the decision that it just wasn't worth it. There was no way I could afford school, and I actually missed Disney too much, so what did I do? I did what I always do. I took the easy way out. And look where it's gotten me. Again, I'm not saying I regret my decision. What else was I supposed to do? What I regret is how long I've been so complacent going through the motions for the past... 2 1/2 years (It'll be 3 in June) of my life. That's what I plan to change in 2011.

I won't go into detail because that another blog entirely. Here's a list of things I plan to do this year:
1) Go to church. I have become so used to NOT going over the past few years that come Sunday morning, I just sleep in. This is NOT okay. I gotta stop making stupid excuses, wake myself up, and GO! Services start at 10. That isn't early. At all!
2) Go back to school. Even if it's a class a semester at a local community college, at least it would be something. I have to finish college at some point in my life. I turn 25 this year. I still have at least 3 years of college left. Mom was right. Young Ann and I WILL graduate college around the same time. Especially at this rate. (For those of you who do not know, Young Ann is almost 9 years younger than I am. If we graduate college at the same time, it would be epic but mostly pathetic.)
3) Be more active. Disney has once again decided that instead of giving me a full-time job, something I've been trying to get for 3 years now, they would rather say that I am "over-utilized." Guess what happens to "over-utilized" cast members. They become "capped." Capped is this nasty, evil limbo given to only the best part-time and seasonal cast members, and they are only allowed to work up to 24.9 hours a week. 24.9. How am I supposed to live off that? I mean, I do have my seasonal job at Universal, and I am trying to get yet another job, but still, this is simply and utterly ridiculous, and it's one of the reasons I'm debating how long I want to waste my life working at Disney. Seriously, that is how angry this whole "capped" thing makes me. Moving on...
... Oh, wait, be more active. Since I do have so much time for myself, I need to find some way to stay in shape. Perhaps I'll join a gym. I've always enjoyed taking aerobics classes. It's a fun way to work up a sweat and build stamina. I used to have grrrreat stamina back in middle school through 10th grade. Since 11th grade... not so much.
4) Get back into dance. This does tie-in to the whole "be more active" thing. One thing I want to do at some point in my whole Disney career is get into Staging with Entertainment. It's been a few years since I've even taken any form of dance, yet alone a simple ballet class. Part of me feels like I've lost the touch I used to have. In order to get into Staging one day, I feel I need juuuust a littttttle more experience. I mean, why on earth would Staging hire me over 7-ish years of dance, one (pretty awesome) 5-minute bit of choreography, and these past 4 years at Disney? Hey, maybe they will. Who knows?

So yeah, those are the main issues I want to deal with in 2011. First off though, I get to move. Yep, this whole month I've been saving whatever money I possibly could (grrr, Disney, grrrrrrr) in order to afford to move back in with one of my bestest friends I have here in Orlando. Sir Linus the chihua. Oh, and maybe Andie too. The search has been kinda stressful, but we have finally found a place! Yay! (Mom, I'll message you on Facebook with more info.) We'll be moving in at the end of the month.

Oh! And I do get to learn a new role here on property. Starting next Wednesday, I get to Move It, Shake It, and Celebrate It at Magic Kingdom with a silly ol' friend, Papa Bear! At first, I was not excited because, to be honest, I really don't like working at MK. (What? I don't. Sue me.) Overall, though, I'm excited to learn something different. Yay, variety! Now, if only Casting will train me in more over at Studios (grr, Disney, grrrrrrr).

Alright, I believe that is more than enough for now. I've been meaning to update this thing for a while now. Hopefully I'll remember to add another post before this month is over. Until then, tell momma I said "How y'all deeerin'," and every state north of Florida, try not to freeze, mmm'kay?


Unknown said...

Someday we'll sit down together and, over cider and black, vent about our what-ifs and convince each other we made the right choice! I guess I didn't realize how similar our paths have been my friend... for all the bumps and bruises though, I'd never trade it in.

Unknown said...

Ahh, still can't believe that our program was FOUR years ago! Such great times and I hope that everything in FL works out! Much love, Complacent Joe!