
The In-Betweener

I have three blog posts scrambling around in my head. Of course I'm never by a computer when the urge to write strikes. That's why I always carry around a handy dandy notebook. I've been keeping notebooks since high school. I mostly use them to write screenplays. When I hit a roadblock, I flip to the back of the book. That's where I doodle or write playlist ideas or other randomness that has nothing to do with anything. I love looking back at my old notebooks. It makes me laugh.

ANYWAY on to the three update ideas! 
1) Write a California blog, even though my sister has already gone above and beyond in that respect. Check out her version of our California Adventure! There's at least five stories from all the different shenanigans.
2) Write about how awesome Guardians of the Galaxy is, and how everyone should see it... yesterday. Also about how I'm obsessed with the soundtrack (surprise surprise).
3) This last one is more of an emotional update, which is saying something because I'm such a complacent guy. Losing Robin Williams last night was heart-wrenching (because we were bffs). Then I realized it's been two years since the family lost my grandmother, Miss Momma. So I'm suddenly reeling from that all over again. I should probably write this one while the emotions are still fresh in my mind.

I'll get one of these written before I leave for work tonight. That's the goal anyway. I always get distracted when I'm writing, either because I listen to music and end up throwing a dance party or because I hit a roadblock. You see, I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. If it isn't perfect the first time, I can't stand it. I know the first time is never perfect. That's what drafts are for. I've never been good with drafts. It always has to be airtight the first time around. Even writing this brief in-between blog has taken me two hours. Just ask my pff bff, Andie. She can totally vouch for me. Totes.

Okay, enough of this. Gotta get writing!