
Summer's Top 5

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Most of the movie sites I follow post a Top 10 list by the end of the summer. Seeing as I am but a peasant I haven't seen enough movies to form a Top 10. So instead I shall now present to you Joe Moore's Top 5 favorite films from the summer of 2015.

5) The Gift

The trailers made this captivating thriller look like a typical psycho revenge flick a la Single White Female. I can assure you it is anything but. There is no black and white here. Each character is drawn out enough that you understand where each is coming from. That's all I will say. A remarkable, engrossing dramatic thriller from first-time writer/director Joel Edgerton.

4) Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

I just watched this pulsating action-thriller this afternoon so it may be too soon to add this in my Top 5 but screw it. It engaged me and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire ride. I'd even go as far as to say it's better than Ghost Protocol, but that would be pushing it. Cruise is still a superstar, but his female co-star Rebecca Ferguson sure gives him a run for his money.

3) Inside Out

This charming family flick is definitely a return to form for Pixar after a few so-so entries. While maybe not as good as Wall-E or Up, this film ingeniously takes us on a journey inside the human mind. And just like any good Pixar movie, it tugs on the heart strings along the way. Great voice cast too!

2) Trainwreck

I've always enjoyed Judd Apatow's movies. If slightly overlong (and this movie continues that trend) there's something hilarious and real he brings to his films. And this is no exception. Plus he has the hilarious Amy Schumer as his writer/star. The two work wonders together. This flick is hilarious, sweet, raunchy, and adorable all at once. Loved it!

But the top goes to...

1) Mad Max: Fury Road

As if any other movie could possibly measure up to this instant action classic. George Miller's return to his roots is without a doubt the best movie of the year. It's a non-stop, balls-to-the-wall, over-the-top, adrenaline rush. Tom Hardy seamlessly steps into the role that made Mel Gibson a star, but this movie belongs to Charlize Theron. Her Furiosa's heroine ranks right up there with Ripley and Sarah Connor. Talk about impressive! I can't wait to watch his endlessly entertaining flick when it collides into stores next week!

So there ya go. There are many movies I still have yet to see. Hopefully I can catch them before the end of the year. Until then, what are some of your favorite flicks so far this year? Let me know, and I'll see you at the movies!