
That Small Arthouse Flick

I cannot believe it is a week before Christmas. Where has this year gone? Where has December gone?! This is utterly ridiculous.

That being said... HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!!

As most of you surely know (and you better!) today is the day Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens is released into theaters. Unless you count the advance screenings last night. Which would make sense because most of you lucky ducks reading were able to attend last night. But anyway! Today is the official release date! 

I'd like to say I'm excited to see a brand new Star Wars film for the first time, but my generation did get the prequels (if that even counts). I remember when The Phantom Menace was released back in 1999. It was a huge deal. Then everybody hated it. Except kids. I was 13 years old. I will admit even I liked it at first. Nowdays the only cool parts are John Williams's score, Liam Neeson, and the lightsaber battle with Darth Maul. So yeah. Not so great.

But now NOW! there's a whole new film for fans all over the world to geek out about and for a new generation to discover. It's basically the most exciting thing EVER! I wish I could see it today, but alas, work summons me. I hope I can see it next week when I'm visiting mi familia. 

Oh yeah! I get to go home for Christmas! Pretty exciting stuff right? The last time I celebrated the holiday at home with my family was... 2006. So yeah. It's been a while. It would also be awesome if we were able to fit in time to see the new movie. You see, when I was growing up it was an annual Moore Family tradition to sit down and watch the original trilogy. Not on Christmas Day of course. We waited until the week after leading up to the new year. But I remember those times very fondly so I hope we're able to see the new movie togther (*hint hint* purchase the tickets familia *wink wink*).

So why are you still reading this? Go see the movie! And if you're already in the theater SHAME ON YOU! What is wrong with you?! Put your phone down! It's STAR WARS!!!