
Top 10 of 2019

I know I always say this, but where has the time gone?

I'll keep this short. Tonight is all about the Golden Globes. I have seen maybe 1/3 of the films nominated. So here it is for your viewing pleasure...

JOE MOORE'S TOP 10 of 2019

10) Fighting With My Family

Remember that WWE film that came out early this past spring? No? That's okay. Lots of people don't. But it's seriously like REALLY good. The cast of course is aces, and it's the first of THREE brilliant Florence Pugh performances this year alone.

9) Us

Jordan Peele's sophomore effort, while not as awesome as his debut, is still a marvelous exercise in suspense. No other 2019 flick kept me on my seat, and that is saying something. Also... Lupita Nyong'o can do no wrong.

8) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

If anyone asks for a great non-Disney franchise, I always point them in this direction. I love the HTTYD series, and this trilogy capper is no exception. The action is rousing, the humor is solid, and the last block will make you cry. 

7) Toy Story 4

While this 4th film in the franchise isn't as heartbreaking as part 3, there's still some tears to be had. Some of your favorite toys (Buzz, Jessie) are brushed to the side, some old and new toys (Bo Peep, Forky, Duke Kaboom) get the spotlight, and the film is better off for it. I'M TRASH!

6) Ready Or Not

This nifty horror/comedy was probably one of my must-sees, and it did not disappoint! Very much in vein with one of my other faves, You're Next, this middle finger to high society is such a riot to witness. So let the blood splatter and the laughs keep coming!

5) Knives Out 

An A-list crime caper led by modern mastermind Rian Johnson?! What's not to like? The cast is gold, the laughs are aplenty, and the twists are neverending. If you passed on this just because you're a Last Jedi hater, figure out your life and see this one pronto.

4) The Farewell

Lulu Wang's Sundance breakout is definitely one of the best of the year. The film, while set in China, is all about family and couldn't be more relateable. Comedienne Awkwafina is astounding in the lead role. I wouldn't be surprised to see her among the 5 Oscar nominees this year.

3) Little Women

Thank you, Greta Gerwig, for making your Alcott adaptation timeless yet somehow thoroughly modern. Some have nitpicked the film for altering the timeline. I think it gives the story a fresh spin. The soundtrack is amazing, and Florence Pugh (yes, her again) is a revelation as Amy.

2) Once Upon A Time In... Hollywood

Tarantino's penultimate film is a wonderful fairy tale homage to the golden age of Hollywood. DiCaprio and Pitt are terrific together, and Robbie has fun with her ethereal role. Just wait for that last half hour. What a ride!

1) Booksmart

Of course a coming of age story caps off this list! Olivia Wilde's beautiful debut is so incredibly fun and moving. I can't believe it isn't on more Top 10 lists this year. Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever work wonders as the leads, but it's Billie Lourd who steals the show. An absolute must see!