
'Tis the Season


I don't know if you could tell by the all caps, bold print, or any previous posts but I LOOOVE this time of year. IT'S MY FAVORITE! Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday. I think most of it is the abundance of horror movies everywhere. I'm not sure when I become such a big horror nut. Skits on Sesame Street used to terrify me. We'll blame... puberty? Sure. Why not.

Anyway I love Halloween. I love horror movies. I love candy. I love dressing up in ridiculous costumes. One of my favorite things about the season is the MUSIC. I have two playlists on my computer devoted to only ghoulish music for the Halloween season. If you don't have such a playlist... 1) what is wrong with you? and 2) you can grab a few ideas from the following list! You lucky duck!

1) "This Is Halloween" 

The Halloween season isn't complete without at least one viewing of The Nightmare Before Christmas. And what luck. The opening song is a great song to start off a Halloween playlist! See? This is so easy!

2) "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker, Jr.

Um, duh. That is all.

3) "Season of the Witch" by Donovan

Another fairly self-explanatory selection.

4) "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett

Everybody do the Mash!

5) "Halloween" by The Misfits

A song that caused an outcry when relesased, this song is pretty tame nowadays. Rock on!

6) "Ghost Town" by The Specials

Silly, spooky, and oh so fun!

7) "I Put A Spell On You"

This song is a classic of course, but it was made popular once again thanks to Bette Midler in 1993's now cult classic Hocus Pocus.

8) "Witch Doctor"

Might as well stick with the witch theme here. Now this song is stuck in your head. You're welcome.

9) "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult

Thank SNL and Will Ferrell for bringing this great song back in the limelight. It's also featured in many horror movies including the original Halloween.

10) "Dream Warriors" by Dokken

Sticking with movie soundtracks, next up is Dokken's awesome rock ballad from the best of the Nightmare sequels.

11) "Red Right Hand" by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

A wonderfully eerie song prominently featured in each of the Scream flicks.

12) "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

One of the band's biggest hits has been used on numerous movie soundtracks, including An American Werewolf in London during one of the most impressive transformation scenes EVER.

13) "Purple People Eater"

Another silly, family-friendly classic for the list.

14) "Get Down Goblin" by Jan Terri

If you don't know to what I'm referring stop reading right now, go straight to Youtube, and search this utter piece of genius. It's quickly become one of my favorites.

15) "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

Because MJ.

Okay! There's many Moore where that came from, but I figured that list is plenty to get you started on your own Halloween playlist. For more just Google "Halloween music" and get started on one spooky evening. Have fun and stay safe, you foolish mortals!